Index of /files/Power Electronics/Power Supplies & Regulators/Regulated - Linear/Fixed/

10A 12V PSU.gif                                    15-Feb-2005 12:20     23K
10A Low Drop Out Regulator.pdf                     25-Feb-2024 06:48     50K
12-24Vdc 40A Tripp Power Supply.jpg                01-Aug-2006 01:16     49K
12V 10A Regulated Power Supply.pdf                 13-Jul-2023 01:51    338K
13.8V 20A Power Supply.pdf                         08-Jul-2023 03:32    313K
13.8V 25A Regulated Power Supply.pdf               12-Nov-2023 00:34    634K
13.8V 2A Linear Regulated Power Supply.pdf         19-Jul-2023 23:13    854K
13.8V 5A Power Supply Powermate II.pdf             16-Nov-2022 00:23      6M
13.8V 5A Regulated Power Supply.pdf                07-Apr-2023 21:00      6M
13.8V 7.5A Power Supply ETI 160.pdf                20-Oct-2022 00:44      3M
13.8V 8A Regulated Power Supply.pdf                06-Aug-2020 02:29      1M
14V 18A Simple Regulated Power Supply.pdf          30-Sep-2023 02:14    279K
15V 400mA PS.gif                                   27-Jan-2016 19:49    7375
5V 3A Lab Power Supply.pdf                         11-Mar-2014 04:03     32K
60W 20V Regulated Power Supply with all the mat..> 08-Nov-2017 02:01      5M
723 Regulator Problems.pdf                         25-Jul-2023 20:55    263K
Add Kelvin Sensing and Parallel Capability to 3..> 15-Jul-2024 00:37     65K
Anti Surge Voltage Regulator.pdf                   19-Mar-2017 01:34    219K
Assorted Fixed Voltage Power Supplies.pdf          04-Jan-2024 04:00      1M
Build a Generic Power Supply Board.pdf             25-Mar-2009 05:50    989K
Calculator Power                        13-Nov-2003 06:23    319K
Cascading Regulators to get Odd Voltages.pdf       22-Nov-2023 22:01    171K
Controlling Hot Swapping on Negative Voltage Po..> 30-May-2010 04:20    204K
DC Voltage Regulators.pdf                          14-Jul-2023 05:10      4M
DESIGNER'S GUIDE TO THE L200 VOLTAGE REGULATOR.pdf 18-Dec-2023 03:12    401K
Design and Construction of Regulated Power Supp..> 28-Dec-2020 23:08   1010K
Designing DC Power Supplies.pdf                    21-Oct-2022 02:43    221K
Designing Power Supplies (2).pdf                   04-Mar-2020 23:28    926K
Designing Power Supplies.pdf                       30-Apr-2019 03:39    866K
Designing a Zener Diode Regulator.pdf              08-Jan-2010 04:16     82K
Dissipation Dumper - Share The Burden.pdf          19-Feb-2006 01:59    100K
Dissipation Limiter.pdf                            22-Nov-2022 23:48    253K
Dropping 5V to 3.3V.pdf                            16-Nov-2022 00:10     84K
Dual Tracking 0-21V Power Supply.pdf               10-Oct-2022 04:06      8M
Dual Tracking Power Supply Pre-Regulator EA 198..> 08-Jul-2023 03:21    308K
Dual Tracking Power Supply.pdf                     19-Jul-2021 23:01    967K
Dynamic siphon steals current from USB port - M..> 11-Apr-2011 02:18    357K
Enhance Power Supply Performance with Very Low ..> 03-Dec-2023 23:04    171K
Evolution of Power Supplies Part 02.pdf            06-Jul-2020 19:56    754K
Feedback for Programmable Power Supplies.pdf       06-Dec-2019 02:50    714K
Four Quadrant Power Supply.pdf                     20-Sep-2009 21:12    158K
From 5V to 3.3V Simply.pdf                         20-Apr-2023 01:42     84K
General Purpose ±12V 1A Power Supply ETI 577.pdf  10-Apr-2023 23:29    784K
Generating a split power supply when you have a..> 14-Sep-2009 03:14     50K
Heater DC Supply.pdf                               30-Aug-2009 06:24     18K
High Efficiency Linear Regulators With external..> 22-Dec-2020 00:39    451K
High PSRR Linear Power Supplies.pdf                06-Dec-2009 02:15    174K
IC Voltage Regulator Applications.pdf              02-Mar-2020 05:37      2M
Increasing Regulator Outputs.pdf                   28-Jan-2019 06:00    226K
Increasing The Output Of Fixed Voltage Regulato..> 19-Feb-2006 05:59     32K
Increasing current-handling capability of regul..> 12-Nov-2022 03:54    561K
Increasing voltage output of 3 terminal regulat..> 02-Nov-2023 21:11    995K
Kelvin Connection for Better Regulation.xps        07-Apr-2010 02:38    284K
LDO Regulator.pdf                                  17-Jul-2023 03:00    166K
LM340 Regulator Applications.pdf                   04-Jun-2020 20:59      2M
LM396 10A Adjustable Regulatoe Application.pdf     12-Jun-2020 21:40    985K
Lab Power Supplies.pdf                             23-Mar-2014 05:31      3M
Lab Power Supply 0-20V 2A.pdf                      11-Jun-2020 22:30      1M
Linear 24V to 12V Converter.pdf                    05-Aug-2020 03:59    269K
Linear Regulator with Switchmode Overcurrent Pr..> 29-Nov-2023 01:07    354K
Linear Regulators for DC Power Supplies.pdf        02-Feb-2022 23:31    803K
Linear Voltage Regulator Circuit Collection 1.pdf  18-Feb-2006 23:37    582K
Linear Wave 12V Regulated Power Supply.pdf         06-Sep-2009 23:01     16K
Low Current Ripple Reducer.pdf                     14-Sep-2009 02:38     26K
Low Drop Out 5V Regulator.pdf                      12-Aug-2023 23:09    272K
Low Dropout Discrete Voltage Regulator.pdf         28-Jul-2022 00:05    822K
Low Dropout Micropower Regulator.pdf               10-Jun-2010 05:12     66K
Low Dropout Regulator.pdf                          30-Apr-2023 23:15    166K
Low-Drop Series regulator Using a TL431.pdf        08-Nov-2023 04:26     97K
Low-dropout linear regulators double as voltage..> 01-Nov-2023 02:30    373K
Micropower Regulator With Very Low Dropout Volt..> 19-Feb-2006 06:09     51K
Mobile Power Supply.pdf                            22-Oct-2009 05:37     28K
Modifying A Power Supply To Add Programmability..> 18-Feb-2006 23:56    102K
Modulatible Power Supply.pdf                       17-Jul-2011 02:23     27K
Multi -Voltage Power Supply.pdf                    20-Oct-2022 01:53    410K
National Semiconductor - Voltage Regulator Hand..> 02-Mar-2020 05:31     27M
Negative Voltage Regulators.pdf                    21-Feb-2020 04:03      2M
Op Amp Voltage Regulator.pdf                       10-Sep-2010 04:38     58K
Paralleling Power Supplies.pdf                     14-Sep-2009 02:23     99K
Performance Enhancements for Three Terminal Reg..> 18-Mar-2020 00:09      1M
Plus-Minus 15V Regulator.pdf                       28-Aug-2009 05:08     40K
Positive Supply Rail Current Monitor with groun..> 14-Nov-2017 05:20    305K
Power MOSFETs in Low Dropout Linear Post-Regula..> 28-Jul-2022 00:39    421K
Power Supplies - Fixed Voltage.pdf                 01-Apr-2020 00:41      1M
Power Supplies - Tips On Using 3 terminal regul..> 18-Jun-2023 21:24      3M
Power Supply 13.8V 14-25 Amps.pdf                  12-Jun-2020 21:26      2M
Power Supply Design.pdf                            02-Mar-2020 05:37    916K
Power Supply Principles And Parameters.pdf         18-Feb-2006 23:39      1M
Power Supply Regulates Voltage, Current or Powe..> 09-Mar-2020 00:41      2M
Power Supply Splitter.pdf                          15-Jun-2009 00:57     32K
Power Supply for Battery Operated Toys.pdf         14-Jul-2023 04:56    265K
Power-supply margining circuit for LDOs using a..> 22-Nov-2023 22:31    575K
Powering 3.3V Digital Systems.pdf                  08-Jun-2020 20:47    353K
Precision Dual Power Supply.pdf                    23-Feb-2020 22:38    841K
Product Selection Procedures for 3 Terminal Reg..> 02-Mar-2020 05:33    230K
Reducing Programmable Regulator Drop Out Voltag..> 12-Sep-2009 04:54     77K
Regulated Power Supplies.pdf                       04-Mar-2020 03:10      4M
Regulated ±6V Power Supply.pdf                    18-Feb-2006 21:41     20K
Regulater-Transistor Load Sharing With An Extra..> 18-Feb-2006 23:27     46K
Regulator For Standby Supply Handles Large Load..> 19-Feb-2006 05:47     79K
Regulator ICs.pdf                                  24-Feb-2020 01:56    502K
Regulator with Remote Shutdown.pdf                 12-Sep-2009 05:19    9055
Ripple Eliminator.pdf                              10-Oct-2009 04:33     26K
STK7216 Voltage Regulator Typical Application.pdf  10-Oct-2022 04:09   1002K
Series-Pass Regulators.pdf                         02-Nov-2023 21:14    269K
Short Circuit Protection for ETI132.pdf            14-Jul-2023 04:38    268K
Shunt Regulator Design Using the TL431.xls         14-Sep-2010 16:56    118K
Simple Ultra Low Dropout Regulator.pdf             21-Feb-2022 05:14    255K
Simple low dropout discrete regulator.pdf          24-Apr-2014 05:10     49K
Stabilized Power Supplies Part 1.pdf               30-May-2020 21:39      5M
Stabilized Power Supplies Part 2.pdf               01-Jul-2020 00:18      5M
Stabilized Power Supplies Part 3.pdf               04-Jun-2020 20:39      8M
Stabilized Power Supplies Part 4.pdf               23-Feb-2020 22:57      1M
Stabilized Power Supply.pdf                        30-Jan-2022 05:03    540K
Stabilizing Zener Diodes With Op-Amps.pdf          18-Feb-2006 21:51    352K
Super Low Dropout Regulator.pdf                    12-Sep-2009 05:02     60K
Symmetrical Power Supply.pdf                       19-Feb-2006 05:49     23K
The Parallel Universe of Negative Input Voltage..> 30-May-2010 04:12    555K
The Versatile LM723 Voltage Regulator IC.pdf       26-Sep-2022 02:25    289K
Tracking Dual Voltage Regulator.pdf                26-Mar-2021 02:32    276K
Tracking Dual-Voltage Power Supply.pdf             27-Aug-2020 01:29    769K
Tracking Negative Regulator.pdf                    18-Feb-2006 23:01     58K
Transistor quickly wakes sleeping LDO.pdf          02-Dec-2023 23:27     64K
Tripp Lite 12V-24V 40A Power Supply.pdf            18-Feb-2006 23:18     33K
Tripp Lite 7A Power Supply.pdf                     18-Feb-2006 23:19     33K
Ultra Clean 9V 500mA Power Supply.pdf              21-Apr-2021 02:05     41K
Ultra-low dropout regulator.pdf                    10-Mar-2024 22:30    295K
Understanding Noise in Linear Regulators.pdf       25-Aug-2020 00:52      3M
Understanding the Stable Range of an LDO Voltag..> 25-Jan-2010 01:52    164K
Universal Symmetrical Power Supply for Op-Amp w..> 01-Nov-2024 22:26    484K
Use A Resistor Snipping Scheme To Calibrate A P..> 19-Feb-2006 00:58     86K
Use LM317 as a 0-3V regulator.pdf                  22-Jan-2009 05:45    163K
Using 3 Terminal Voltage Regulators.pdf            06-Apr-2023 02:32      3M
Using Precision Potentiometers as Voltage Sourc..> 24-Oct-2009 02:43    124K
Using The µa723 Voltage Regulator.pdf             19-Feb-2006 00:39    464K
VK Powermate Modification EA 1978-05.pdf           17-Jul-2023 03:09    275K
Voltage Regulator Assistant.pdf                    16-Dec-2024 04:00     42K
Voltage Regulator Internal Features.pdf            02-Mar-2020 05:39    827K
Voltage Regulator with Foldback Current Limitin..> 25-Feb-2024 06:32     30K
Voltage Regulator with LM324.pdf                   25-Mar-2017 06:05    462K
Voltage Regulators Circards.pdf                    30-May-2022 00:25    736K
Voltage Regulators and Power Supplies.pdf          30-Sep-2023 01:59      3M
Voltage Regulators for Power Management.pdf        24-Feb-2020 02:03     95K
Voltage Stabilizing a Symmetrical Power Supply.jpg 28-May-2019 03:49    275K
Wallwart Regulator.pdf                             06-Jul-2020 03:00      1M
Wide Adjustment Range PNP Voltage Regulator.pdf    25-Feb-2024 06:49     54K
Zenerless Battery Eliminator.pdf                   18-Feb-2006 21:45     40K
Zero Ripple Power Supply With Adjustable Ripple..> 19-Feb-2006 05:56     56K
±15V Regulator.pdf                                11-Apr-2024 04:18      1M