Index of /files/Audio/Circuits/Theory/Misc/
741 Opamp NOT for Audio.pdf 30-Sep-2024 02:24 198K
A-V Receiver concept Based on TI DSP.pdf 27-Jul-2005 04:05 2M
Aging Ears.pdf 01-Nov-2022 12:41 913K
Anechoic Chambers.pdf 01-Nov-2022 12:41 2M
Art of Dynamics, The.PDF 04-Apr-2023 19:54 372K
Audio Specifications - What, How, Conditions an..> 15-Oct-2001 20:01 90K
Audio Transformer Impedance Determination.pdf 16-Dec-2024 03:14 313K
Binaural or Sterephonic.pdf 30-Apr-2023 22:58 873K
Calling into Question The Goals of Audio Reprod..> 30-Apr-2023 22:46 616K
Can sound quality be quantified.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:54 32K
Circuit action and programme signals.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:54 43K
Circular Amplifiers -Part 4.mht 01-Nov-2022 12:41 37K
Damping and How We Hear.pdf 29-Sep-2024 02:42 2M
Defense and the Hi-Fi Bachelors Part 1 Audio 19..> 25-Feb-2024 06:54 901K
Distortion in Low Noise Amplifiers Addenda WW 1..> 04-Apr-2023 19:54 198K
Distortion in low-noise amplifiers Parts 1 & 2.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:54 2M
Dynamic Range.pdf 01-Nov-2022 12:41 146K
Feedback Amplifiers Comments.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:54 323K
Final Link in Music Listening, The.pdf 01-Nov-2022 12:41 2M
Handbook of Sound Reproduction Part 8 Audio 195..> 24-Mar-2024 02:58 1M
Hi-Fi Sound but Lo-Fi Ears.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:54 256K
HiFi Sound and LoFi Ears.pdf 01-Nov-2022 12:41 1M
High-Performance Audio Applications of The LM83..> 19-Dec-2011 17:25 348K
High-Quality Low-Voltage Audio.pdf 10-Oct-2001 21:53 121K
How Hearing Can Vary with Frequency Between Ind..> 01-Nov-2022 12:41 254K
How to Plan Your Hi-Fi System.pdf 13-Nov-2024 01:58 2M
Interaction Concept in Feedback Design Part 1 o..> 08-Nov-2024 21:33 1M
Non-linear distortion in Audio Amplifiers by Ma..> 04-Apr-2023 19:54 78K
Non-linear distortion in audio amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:54 306K
Pitfalls of Benchmarking Amplifiers by Slew Rat..> 04-Apr-2023 19:54 83K
Psychoacoustics and Stereo Imagery.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:54 528K
Put Gain Up Front—waxing philosophical.pdf 11-Nov-2024 01:25 419K
Sineward Distortion Discussion.pdf 08-Apr-2024 22:56 1M
Solid-State Audio Circuits Part 01 ME 1986-09.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:54 358K
Sound Waves and How We Hear Them.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:54 6M
Subjective Reviewing Reviewed.pdf 01-Aug-2023 02:01 890K
The Problem of Subjective Reactions.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:54 1M
The Sound of Capacitors.pdf 16-Jan-2025 04:43 14M
The Stereo Phasing Problem.pdf 02-Feb-2025 00:44 637K
The Tube-Transistor Controversy.pdf 01-Nov-2022 12:41 615K
Understanding Sound Waves.pdf 20-Apr-2023 01:33 5M
What is High Fidelity.pdf 21-Feb-2024 02:50 947K
What's Watts.pdf 02-Feb-2025 00:54 163K
Zero Impedance Output Stage.pdf 30-Apr-2023 22:55 595K