Vintage Electronics This folder collects the files on the history of electronics. The creator of this web side developed what is considered one of the finest vacuum tube power amplifiers in 2018 just before retiring. Though production was terminated after a 50 unit pilot run this amplifier received terrific reviews. I was assigned that project as I was one of the very last people to have received their basic education on vacuum fubes. It was that knowledge that also made me able to design some of the finest sounding solid state audio gear between 2001 and 2018. In the fields of home audio, professional sound reinforcement and automotive audio. In this section, added in November 2023, I have collected that old vintage stuff that many people consider a waster of time. Generally pre 1970 material. I collect it as I feel that unless we are familiar whth what has come before, we are doomed to repeat the past. As well, often the older designs, coming from a simpler time when the technology was still starting out can fine the the simpler circuits of the time are easier to understand and one can more easily learn how they function, leading to an easier understanding of today's complex designs. If you have some interest in history, especitlly the history of Electronics, this section is for you. As well, unlike the other sections where the pages were cropped to remove as much advertising as possible, in this section, much of the time the ads have been left intact as those too offer an interesting glimpse into the past. Most of this material has been extracted from publications found on www.archive.