Updated 2023-12-11 This section is reference material and textbooks. Some of this material is quite old but in most cases the fundamentals still apply and have not changed much. Perhaps, for a student who is failing to grasp basic principles, being briefed in a different way is all they need to come to a greater understanding of concepts that are eluding them. Do note that there are textbooks referred to in a links document that are indicated in the files as being copyrighted material. However they have all been found on free sites all over the internet which implies the copyright holder has abandoned them. Some are from known defunct publishers and it is unknown by this site administrator if anyone now owns the current rights to them. As it is not the intention of this site to deprive anyone of revenue from any sites requiring payment for material, none of the material on this site was downloaded from any site that charges anything for downloading. Not even anything as basic as registering. If you are a copyright holder for any of these links and object to them being here, please indicate such in an email to me chuckles951@yahoo.com and they will be removed as soon as possible. But you should also be nagging the people who originally posted them. Most of these were scoured from the free downloads available at archive.org. Magazine articles were extracted from older editions of magazines available from free web sites such as archive.org then sorted for the convenience of the electronics community. Some definitions. Just note these are somewhay fuzzy Circuit Assortments - These are books or articles that may contain an assortment of circuits or projects Components - Information on specific electronic components or types of components Education - Hardware to be used for educational purposes Misc - Stuff that fits no place else Projects for Beginners of Hobbyests - A bit of overlap with Circuit Assortments but geared to the beginner Reference - Books or articles not meant to be read cover to cover but used specifically for reference Text Books - Complete textbooks for electronics from elsewhere on the net collected in one place. Training - Mostly multi part series of lessons on theory, mostly taken from articles from defunct magazines. These multi part series are often mpore detailed. Here is a link to a free Training Program https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/