Index of /files/Test Equipment, Meters & Measurement/Misc Test Equipment/Circuits/

25-kV generator tests insulation.pdf               27-Nov-2023 01:34     69K
A Practical Gain Set.pdf                           09-Nov-2023 03:08    754K
AC continuity tester finds single-ended faults ..> 30-Sep-2024 00:42    377K
Absorption Wavemeter.pdf                           01-Nov-2022 12:51     73K
Accuracy Tester for Mechanical Watches.pdf         13-Aug-2023 00:01      2M
Accurate Gain-Phase Measurement up to 2.5GHz.pdf   01-Nov-2022 12:51    204K
Accurate Op-Amp Bridge.pdf                         16-Oct-2023 01:59     70K
Active DC Load.pdf                                 26-Sep-2023 23:27    286K
Add a meter to the ETI-560 Mains Cable Seeker 1..> 23-Mar-2024 05:09    162K
An Inexpensive Time Domain Reflectometer.pdf       26-Sep-2022 04:25    150K
Anemometer.pdf                                     01-Nov-2022 12:51      2M
Applause Meter Circuit only.gif                    01-Nov-2022 12:51     14K
Applause Meter.pdf                                 01-Nov-2022 12:51    127K
Audible Conductance Tester.jpg                     03-Mar-2024 21:14    164K
Audible Continuity Tester.pdf                      31-Jan-2022 06:50     69K
Audio-Visual Continuity Tester.pdf                 23-Oct-2023 23:29    259K
Auto Service Meter.pdf                             06-Jan-2024 05:58    787K
Beat-Frequency Indicator.pdf                       01-Nov-2022 12:51     47K
Blown Fuse Indicator.pdf                           01-Nov-2022 12:51    111K
Blown Fuse Indicators.pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:51    169K
Breakdown Voltage Meter.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51     28K
Bridge Circuit Meter Substitute.pdf                01-Nov-2022 12:51     80K
Build A Pair Of Lazy Leads.pdf                     01-Nov-2022 12:51     51K
Build a Seismograph Part 1 ETT 1989-12.pdf         01-Nov-2022 12:51      6M
Bus-Line Tracer.pdf                                08-Apr-2023 02:43    218K
CLMeterB_Schematic.pdf                             01-Nov-2022 12:51    213K
Cable Reflection Tester.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51      3M
Cable Tester - Go-No Go.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51    154K
Cable Tester ETI559.pdf                            18-Jun-2023 21:26      3M
Capacitance Substitution Box.pdf                   01-Nov-2022 12:51      3M
Capacitive Liquid Level Measurement.pdf            01-Nov-2023 23:39      1M
Carvalyzer to Service Tube Car Radios.pdf          01-Nov-2022 12:51    201K
Center Zero Led Bar-Dot Meter.pdf                  01-Nov-2022 12:51     83K
Chart Recorder Plots Total Loads in Several Cir..> 01-Nov-2022 12:51    117K
Circuit Breaker Substitution Box.pdf               01-Nov-2022 12:51     29K
Circuits Designed for a Cruel and Unyielding Wo..> 04-May-2016 23:02      1M
Climate Logger.pdf                                 01-Nov-2022 12:51      4M
Constant Current Dummy Load.pdf                    01-Nov-2022 12:51    114K
Contact Tester Quantifies Open-Short Circuit Te..> 01-Nov-2022 12:51    209K
Contactless AC Mains Voltage          01-Nov-2022 12:51    5969
Continuity                             01-Nov-2022 12:51     83K
Continuity Tester (2).pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:51     52K
Continuity Tester (3).pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:51      4M
Continuity Tester (4).pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:51      4M
Continuity Tester (5).pdf                          06-Sep-2023 03:42    552K
Continuity Tester (6).pdf                          08-Jan-2025 22:57     86K
Continuity Tester 1.pdf                            01-Nov-2022 12:51     26K
Continuity Tester 2.pdf                            01-Nov-2022 12:51     92K
Continuity Tester.pdf                              01-Nov-2022 12:51    271K
Crystal Controlled Gate Dip Meter.pdf              01-Mar-2024 04:10      2M
Current Flow Indicator.pdf                         01-Nov-2022 12:51     24K
Current Transmitter Calibrator.pdf                 01-Nov-2022 12:51    100K
DC Lamp Failure Indicator.pdf                      01-Nov-2022 12:51     15K
Data Line Remote Short Sensor.jpg                  26-Oct-2024 01:21    241K
Dc Voltage Or Current Meter.pdf                    01-Nov-2022 12:51     17K
Dead Short Tester.pdf                              01-Nov-2022 12:51     79K
Design a 100A Active Load to Test Power Supplie..> 12-Nov-2022 02:11    945K
Designing Instrumentation Circuitry with RMS-DC..> 01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
Deviation Meter.pdf                                16-May-2024 02:48    208K
Differential Audio Distortion Analyzer.pdf         01-Nov-2022 12:51    585K
Digital Clock and Thermometer.pdf                  01-Nov-2022 12:51      2M
Digital IC Breadboard.pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:51    521K
Digital Insulation Tester (Requires firmware do..> 12-Jan-2024 02:03      5M
Digital Phototachometer.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51    703K
Digital Pressure Gauge.pdf                         01-Nov-2022 12:51    672K
Digital Strobe to Measure RPM.pdf                  04-Jul-2023 02:24      8M
Digital Wind Speed Meter.pdf                       01-Nov-2022 12:51    753K
Diode Matrix Tester.pdf                            01-Nov-2022 12:51    144K
Dip Switches To Isolate Faults In A System.pdf     01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
Distortion Measurement.jpg                         01-Nov-2022 12:51    139K
Duty Cycle Measurer.pdf                            08-Jan-2025 23:35     24K
Earth Warning Indicator.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51     15K
Electric Fence Tester ETI 1512.pdf                 06-Apr-2023 01:37      4M
Electronic Stethoscope.pdf                         01-Nov-2022 12:51    279K
Electroscope.pdf                                   20-Dec-2023 05:25      3M
Electroscopes & Geiger Counters.pdf                01-Nov-2022 12:51      7M
Engineer's Stethoscope.pdf                         01-Nov-2022 12:51    293K
Environmental Test Chamber.pdf                     01-Nov-2022 12:51    528K
Fart Strength Meter.pdf                            01-Nov-2022 12:51    187K
Fiber-Optic Strand Checker.pdf                     01-Nov-2022 12:51    153K
Filter to Measure Power Line Harmonics.pdf         01-Nov-2022 12:51     74K
Flexible Fault Detection With Reed Coil Relays.pdf 01-Nov-2022 12:51     96K
Fluxmeter Input For Dmm.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51     45K
Four Test Gadgets made with a single hex invert..> 01-Nov-2022 12:51    151K
Fraser Technologies Ltd Applause Meter.pdf         01-Nov-2022 12:51    329K
Geiger Counter.pdf                                 01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
Gigaohm Decade Resistance Box.pdf                  07-Jan-2024 01:48      1M
Graphic Level Meter                       01-Nov-2022 12:51     31K
High-Low Logic Tester.pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:51     58K
High-Performance Dc Voltmeter Converter.pdf        01-Nov-2022 12:51     14K
How to design fully isolated 4-wire sensor tran..> 11-Nov-2024 04:38    497K
How to design power-isolated 4-wire sensor tran..> 11-Nov-2024 04:41    533K
IC's For Test Instruments.pdf                      18-Dec-2023 02:35    564K
ICs for Test Instriments.pdf                       18-Nov-2023 22:42    564K
Indicators for All Occasions.pdf                   01-Nov-2022 12:51    805K
Infrared Remote Tester.pdf                         01-Nov-2022 12:51    450K
Instrument Read Out in Braille Comments.pdf        01-Nov-2022 12:51     26K
Intelligent Cable Tester.pdf                       01-Nov-2022 12:51      3M
Interface Panel.pdf                                09-Jun-2022 04:58    103K
KRS Distance Measuring Device Interface Board.pdf  01-Nov-2022 12:51     47K
LED Visual Data Monitor.jpg                        01-Nov-2022 12:51    288K
Lampkin 205A Deviation Meter.pdf                   01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
Leakage Tester.pdf                                 01-Nov-2022 12:51    136K
Line Frequency Meter.pdf                           01-Nov-2022 12:51     21K
Linear Scale Frequency Meter PCB ETI 150.pdf       06-Jan-2024 02:16    280K
Liquid Level Alarm.pdf                             01-Nov-2022 12:51    151K
Live Wire Scanner for 220V.pdf                     01-Nov-2022 12:51    151K
Load-transient-response for voltage regulators.pdf 16-Aug-2023 01:13      2M
Locate Faults In Coaxial Cables.pdf                01-Nov-2022 12:51    616K
Low Cost Weigh Scales.pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:51    426K
MEASURING MAGNETIC FIELDS.pdf                      14-Apr-2022 01:19      2M
Magnetic Field Detector.pdf                        16-Jul-2022 03:26    398K
Magnetic Field Sensors.pdf                         30-Jul-2022 01:05    493K
Magnetometer.pdf                                   12-Nov-2022 02:24    471K
Mains Cable Seeker.pdf                             01-Nov-2022 12:51    835K
Make 4 Test Gadgets from one Hex Inverter IC.pdf   12-Feb-2024 05:15    151K
Making Use of Audio Indicators.pdf                 06-Nov-2023 22:01    997K
Making a Wheatstone Bridge.pdf                     01-Nov-2022 12:51      3M
Maximum Voltage Detector.pdf                       01-Nov-2022 12:51     57K
Measurement and Control Circuits Collection.pdf    01-Nov-2022 12:51      4M
Measuring Complex Impedances.pdf                   01-Nov-2022 12:51    187K
Measuring Insulation Resistance.pdf                01-Nov-2022 12:51    297K
Measuring Large Currents.pdf                       01-Nov-2022 12:51      5M
Measuring Light Intensity.pdf                      01-Nov-2022 12:51     74K
Measuring Nanoamperes.pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
Measuring Relative Humidity.pdf                    01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
Measuring Standby Power Of Cmos Rams.pdf           01-Nov-2022 12:51     46K
Measuring Temperatures on Computer Chips.pdf       01-Nov-2022 12:51    124K
Measuring relative humidity.pdf                    01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
Meter Tester.pdf                                   10-Jan-2025 22:33     28K
Microwave Oven Analyzer.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51      3M
Mini-Metrology Lab.pdf                             01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
Modem                                   01-Nov-2022 12:51    133K
Motor Speed Measurement Circuit.pdf                01-Nov-2022 12:51    735K
Multiple Test Point Monitor.pdf                    01-Nov-2022 12:51      5M
Old School Instruments and Accessories.pdf         26-Feb-2022 02:29      8M
Opacity Measurement.pdf                            04-Nov-2023 03:15      1M
Overload Proof Current Indicator.pdf               01-Nov-2022 12:51     82K
Passive Distortion Measuring Network.pdf           01-Nov-2022 12:51     39K
Phase Measurement With A Pll.pdf                   01-Nov-2022 12:51    158K
Piezoelectric driver finds buzzer's resonant Fr..> 08-Oct-2023 01:59    358K
Pipe and Cable Locator.pdf                         01-Nov-2022 12:51      2M
Pola Testers.pdf                                   01-Nov-2022 12:51    566K
Polarity Sensing Continuity Tester.pdf             01-Nov-2022 12:51     67K                                       01-Nov-2022 12:51    191K
Portable Gas Detector.pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:51    182K
Power Failure Indicator.pdf                        13-Jul-2023 01:38    292K
Power Meter with 1 Percent Accuracy.pdf            01-Nov-2022 12:51    103K
Power Supply Tester.pdf                            01-Nov-2022 12:51    659K
Precision Electroscope.pdf                         26-Jun-2022 23:45     89K
Precision active load operates as low as 2V.pdf    16-Aug-2023 01:05     89K
Precision voltage-controlled current sink tests..> 26-Sep-2023 03:54    113K
Pulse Edge Visualiser.pdf                          31-Dec-2024 22:42     26K
Pulse Width Range Detector.pdf                     01-Nov-2022 12:51     94K                                    01-Nov-2022 12:51    864K
R&C Substitution Boxes.pdf                         01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
RF Exposure Test Methods.pdf                       01-Nov-2022 12:51    399K
Radiation Monitor.pdf                              01-Nov-2022 12:51      2M
Radon Monitor Part 2.pdf                           01-Nov-2022 12:51    734K
Relative Humidity Gauge.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51    732K
Relative Humidity Measurement.pdf                  01-Nov-2022 12:51    187K
Resistance Bridge.pdf                              22-Nov-2022 23:51    474K
Resistance Decade Box (2).pdf                      22-Nov-2022 23:53    722K
Resistance Decade Box.pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:51    284K
Resistor Bank.pdf                                  18-Dec-2023 21:28    430K
Rf Voltmeter.pdf                                   01-Nov-2022 12:51     15K
Salt Concentration Meter.pdf                       01-Nov-2022 12:51    211K
Sanatron Current Timebase.pdf                      01-Nov-2022 12:51     39K
Self Powered Dummy Load.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51     90K
Sensitive Overload Sensor.jpg                      01-Nov-2024 22:27    201K
Series Wired Christmas Light Tester.pdf            17-Apr-2024 03:18    106K
Setting up a Variable Autotransformer.pdf          15-Dec-2024 05:12    195K
Setting up your oscilloscope to measure jitter.pdf 14-Dec-2022 00:53    256K
Short Circuit Detector.pdf                         30-Nov-2023 04:04     56K
Short Circuit Finder.pdf                           03-Dec-2023 23:53     75K
Signal and Voltage Indicators.pdf                  01-Nov-2022 12:51    188K
Simple Impedance Bridge.pdf                        20-Sep-2023 21:48    344K
Simple LED Mains Tester.pdf                        08-Jul-2023 02:48    799K
Simple Test Circuits.pdf                           01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
Sobriety                                01-Nov-2022 12:51    147K
Soil Moisture Meter.pdf                            01-Nov-2022 12:51    240K
Solar Dosimeter.pdf                                01-Nov-2022 12:51      3M
Solar Panel Simulator to test circuits.pdf         01-Nov-2022 12:51    140K
Sure Luck Ohms - Resistor Value Identifier.pdf     01-Nov-2022 12:51      4M
Surface Mount Part Ic                    01-Nov-2022 12:51    283K
Switchable Test Socket.pdf                         01-Nov-2022 12:51    285K
Switched Load To Test Power Supply Reponse.pdf     01-Nov-2022 12:51     72K
TIME -FREQUENCY MEASURING SYSTEM Part 2 73 1973..> 30-Nov-2023 23:39      2M
Telco In A Box Corrections.pdf                     01-Nov-2022 12:51    188K
Telco In A Box.pdf                                 01-Nov-2022 12:51    548K
Telephone Tester-Off                      01-Nov-2022 12:51     54K
Temperature Adapter for Multimeter ETI 153.pdf     26-Sep-2023 23:43      4M
Temperature Indicator.pdf                          08-Jan-2024 03:14    487K
Test Unit for Sequential Logic.pdf                 09-Jul-2023 04:04    798K
Tester For Dip Switches.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51    113K
The Wagner Bridge.pdf                              01-Nov-2022 12:51    228K
Thermal Resistance Automatic Test Setup.pdf        01-Nov-2022 12:51    115K
Thermocouple interface to micrcontroller.pdf       22-Oct-2022 20:30    673K
Thermoelectric-based Thermometry—Measuring Th..> 31-Aug-2024 04:13      1M
Time Base Calibrator.pdf                           03-Jan-2025 20:56      1M
Time Voltage Calibrator.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
True RMS Detector.pdf                              30-May-2024 03:24     70K
True Rms Converter.pdf                             01-Nov-2022 12:51     18K
Ultrasonic Listener.pdf                            01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
Usimg a DMM to measure capacitance.pdf             01-Nov-2022 12:51     49K
Using Conductance to Check Out Electronic Compo..> 01-Nov-2022 12:51    878K
Using Tune Up                      01-Nov-2022 12:51      1M
Utility Amplifier - Lab Power Supply.pdf           29-Sep-2023 23:20      1M
Utlilty Amplifier-Supply for the experimenter's..> 17-Nov-2023 01:13      4M
V & I Calibrator.pdf                               01-Nov-2023 23:40    468K
Vent-a-Fume.pdf                                    26-Oct-2024 01:13    827K
Versatile Tester with Audio Indication.pdf         21-Nov-2023 02:43    433K
Voltage & Continuity Tester.pdf                    21-Feb-2022 05:11    464K
Voltage to Current Converter.pdf                   08-Nov-2024 04:26     22K
Voltmeter for the Blind.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:51     55K
Water Level Indicator.pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:51     17K
Wavemeter for Hams and CBers.pdf                   01-Nov-2022 12:51    154K
Winking LED Resistance Bridge.pdf                  01-Nov-2022 12:51    100K
Zero Marking of AC Waveforms.pdf                   01-Nov-2022 12:51    459K