Index of /files/Optical/Circuits using LEDs/

An Introduction to LED Capabilities.pdf            01-Nov-2022 12:49      2M
Animated Christmas Bell.pdf                        13-Oct-2023 03:22      2M
Assorted Opto Electronic                 01-Nov-2022 12:49    706K
Audible Light Sensor.pdf                           01-Nov-2022 12:49     29K
Audio Quality Opto Isolator Circuit.pdf            01-Nov-2022 12:49      2M
Beat Frequency Indicator.pdf                       18-Oct-2022 03:14     33K
Brightness control for LED Flashlights.pdf         01-Nov-2022 12:49    154K
Comparison of LED Circuits.pdf                     29-Jul-2016 23:01    166K
Construct a 2 Way Optoisolator.pdf                 01-Nov-2022 12:48    263K
Cylon Eye.pdf                                      06-Sep-2023 04:23    872K
Designing with LEDs.pdf                            19-Oct-2022 00:17      4M
Detecting UV, IR & Visible Light Part 2.pdf        01-Nov-2022 12:49    297K
Determination of Resistances for LED Brightness..> 09-Aug-2016 18:19    329K
Drive a blue LED from a 3V battery.pdf             01-Nov-2022 12:49     93K
Driving 2 LEDs with one microcontroller pin.pdf    01-Nov-2022 12:48     91K
Driving LEDs - To Cap or Not to Cap.pdf            01-Nov-2022 12:49    232K
Driving LEDs with a PIC Microcontroller.pdf        09-Aug-2016 18:16    265K
Electronic Detent Circuit.pdf                      17-Jun-2023 21:40    564K
Experimenting with LEDs.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:49    399K
Fast Response Phototransistor.pdf                  01-Nov-2022 12:49     79K
High Current LED Pulser.pdf                        04-Nov-2023 03:22    115K
High Power LED Driver Circuits.pdf                 12-Nov-2022 02:22    193K
IR Repeater.gif                                    01-Nov-2022 12:49    4753
Image Processing in Tomography.pdf                 01-Nov-2022 12:49     19M
Infrared Light Beam Relay.pdf                      01-Nov-2022 12:49      2M
Infrared Relay as Door Minder.pdf                  20-Jun-2023 03:15    583K
Infrared Remote Control Switch.pdf                 30-Apr-2023 23:26      6M
Infrared Toy Car Motor Controller.pdf              14-Jun-2023 04:11     60K
Ir Related Ascii Schematics.PDF                    01-Nov-2022 12:49     39K
Knightrider LED scanner.pdf                        06-Jan-2025 03:41      2M
LED Applications.pdf                               12-Aug-2023 23:07    824K
LED Beacon.pdf                                     08-Oct-2023 01:31    244K
LED Blinker.pdf                                    10-Nov-2023 23:49    386K
LED Flasher.pdf                                    08-Nov-2023 01:27     35K
LED Head Cylon Eye Modification from EA 1983-01..> 12-Aug-2023 23:48    253K
LED Indicator draws only 20mW.pdf                  17-Nov-2023 05:05      1M
LED Indicator for Remote AC Loads.pdf              12-Aug-2023 23:44    265K
LED Lamp.pdf                                       01-Nov-2022 12:49    167K
LED Logicator.pdf                                  12-Aug-2023 23:09    272K
LED Meter type displays.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:49    238K
LED Night Light.pdf                                09-Nov-2023 23:16      7M
LED Snowboarding Goggles.pdf                       02-Dec-2023 23:06    900K
LED Stroboscope.pdf                                11-Aug-2023 04:09    442K
LED Synchroscope.pdf                               01-Nov-2022 12:48     36K
LED Top with Special Effects.pdf                   01-Nov-2022 12:49    668K
LED drivers minimize power dissipation.pdf         20-Sep-2023 22:17    463K
LED driving technology for long term flexibilit..> 09-Aug-2016 18:19    550K
LED flasher and triac pulser work off ac line.pdf  14-Nov-2023 23:06     65K
LEDS with Linear Response to Analog Inputs.pdf     01-Nov-2022 12:49    176K
LEDs - Misc Information.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:49      4M
Led Flasher Using Lm3909.gif                       01-Nov-2022 12:49     12K
Led Flasher Using Lm3909.jpg                       01-Nov-2022 12:48     62K
Leds Simulate Sand Hourglass.pdf                   01-Nov-2022 12:49     63K
Light Beam Communicator.pdf                        30-Jan-2022 05:19    902K
Light Into Sound.gif                               01-Nov-2022 12:49     40K
Light Meter.pdf                                    01-Nov-2022 12:49     20K
Light Operated Switches.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:49    597K
Line-powered driver lights up high-power LEDs.pdf  11-Nov-2023 00:10    259K
Linear LED Brightness Control.pdf                  28-Jan-2022 22:21    263K
Low Power LED Flasher.pdf                          12-Nov-2022 03:52    599K
Misc Optical Stuff 1.pdf                           01-Nov-2022 12:49      8M
Misc Optical Stuff 2.pdf                           01-Nov-2022 12:48      8M
Misc Optical Stuff 3.pdf                           01-Nov-2022 12:49      2M
Multiplexed Readouts.pdf                           01-Nov-2022 12:49    925K
Multiplexing LEDs.pdf                              01-Nov-2022 12:49    149K
Negative Feedback To Keep Led Intensity Constan..> 01-Nov-2022 12:49    102K
Nulling out ambient lighting in a photodetector..> 01-Nov-2022 12:49     85K
Operating LEDs from AC Line Power.pdf              09-Nov-2022 19:52    121K
Operating LEDs on 1.5V Battery.pdf                 23-Oct-2023 23:21    848K
Optical Feedback Extends a White LED's operatin..> 01-Nov-2022 12:49    149K
Optical Power Meter.pdf                            01-Nov-2022 12:49     34K
Optical Signal Isolator.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:49      2M
Optical feedback extends white LEDs’ operatin..> 17-Jul-2023 02:47    263K
Optical feedback to extend white LEDs’ operat..> 09-Nov-2022 19:34    263K
Opto Isolation.pdf                                 01-Nov-2022 12:49      4M
Optoelectronics Circards.pdf                       01-Nov-2022 12:49    807K
Organic Light Emitting Diode - Material Process..> 01-Nov-2022 12:48     19M
Photo Tachometer ETI 555 1978-11.pdf               01-Nov-2022 12:49      3M
Photo tachometer adapter for frequency counters..> 01-Nov-2022 12:49    445K
Photodiodes - World Activities in 2011.pdf         01-Nov-2022 12:49     38M
Photoelectric Sensor that can count entries and..> 01-Nov-2022 12:49    303K
Piezo Oscillator Power Supply for White LED.pdf    01-Nov-2022 12:48    137K
Power On Indicator.pdf                             24-Nov-2023 05:00    139K
Protecting IGBTs with Isolation Amplifiers.pdf     01-Nov-2022 12:49     72K
Pump Your Shoes.pdf                                06-Nov-2023 03:04    502K
RGB LED Driver.pdf                                 01-Nov-2023 23:43    335K
Regulating LED Outputs.pdf                         01-Nov-2022 12:49    102K
Selecting The Right LED Bulb EFY 2015-05.pdf       01-Nov-2022 12:48    107K
Sensitive Light Meter.pdf                          01-Nov-2022 12:49    997K
Seven Segment Display Quiz.pdf                     01-Nov-2022 12:49     26K
Signal Averaging Circuit.pdf                       01-Nov-2022 12:48     41K
Simple 6 Step LED VU Meter.pdf                     01-Aug-2023 03:52    326K
Simple single-cell white-LED driver.pdf            01-Nov-2022 12:49     87K
Single Cell Flashes White Led.pdf                  01-Nov-2022 12:49    154K
Single Port Drives Dual LED.pdf                    17-Sep-2023 22:10    157K
Single-LED Analog Meter.pdf                        01-Nov-2022 12:48      3M
Smooth LED Flasher.pdf                             09-Nov-2023 23:10    464K
Speeding Up Optical Isolators.pdf                  31-May-2022 03:37    296K
Switch Position Indication with BiColor LEDs.pdf   02-Oct-2023 23:56    283K
The Optical Spectrum.pdf                           01-Nov-2022 12:48    304K
Tri-State LED Demonstrator.pdf                     13-Oct-2022 02:29    149K
Tube Based Optical Switch.pdf                      01-Nov-2022 12:49    445K
Typical Opto Electronic Circuits.pdf               01-Nov-2022 12:48     40K
Using a single Microcontroller I-O Port to driv..> 05-Sep-2023 03:17     75K
Varying the Hue of a 2 Colour Bi Colour LED.pdf    19-Jul-2023 23:15    316K
Visual verification of IR pulses.pdf               01-Nov-2022 12:49     70K
Voltmeter_with_led.gif                             01-Nov-2022 12:49     10K
Voltmeter_with_led.jpg                             01-Nov-2022 12:49     39K
WaterMark Detector.pdf                             01-Nov-2022 12:49    120K
White LED Controller with Optical Feedback.pdf     01-Nov-2022 12:49    944K
Working with LED Display Drivers.pdf               01-Nov-2022 12:49      1M
Working with Semiconductor Lasers.pdf              01-Nov-2022 12:49      2M