BEWARE - LIBERAL AND PROGRESSIVE THOUGHT AHEAD. Extreme Alt-Center views here. Use Caution. You may wish to leave this section if you use the term "libtard" to describe anyone. I see myself as being strictly middle of the road by Canadian standards and those of most of the world other than the USA, making me a hard left radical liberal in the USA of 2018. Though by the standards of the rest of the wold, the USA has a right wing party and another party that has gone to another dimension so far right that the whole left-right spectrum has broken down. I believe that the tern liberal is used in a lot of US media to mean a retarded communist that does not know how wealth is created. WHo believes that everyone should be taxed down to the same level of poverty and this money be be given to long haired communist transgender gay professional protestors who have never worked a day in their lives. My description of a liberal is a person who stands for maximum freedom for individuals that does not cause hardship to others or to the common environment we all have to live in. Where one is free to marry who they want, look how they want, identify how they want, to practice their own faith or be able to also have freedon from religion. Where people should be able to survive with dignity if they cannot work and for the others to have the opportunity to be paid for employment at a rate high enough for a basic dignified lifestyle. Where if something creates conflict the sides can reach a good will compromise thet preferably satisfies both sides or discomforts both equally. A world where it is recognized that wealth is created by the enterprise of people and not by government. But also where it is recognized that this enterprise has to be regulated so they do not socialize their costs while privatizing their profits. That is, they cannot dump their pollution on the rest of us or pay so little that the government has to provide social assistance to their workers. Where the function of government is to ensure the playing field stays level enough that no one company can become a monopoly. Or where a monopoly makes sense, like utilities, to ensure its rate of return stays reasonable while making the investors enough of an return on investment for them to invest in it. A world where quality medical care is readily available to all and one does not have to fear bankruptcy from bad luck concerning their health. I could say a lot more and eventually, I will. This section is where I put some opinion pieces that I hope you will consider to be reasoned and rational thought. These are NOT in any way associated with the people hosting this web site. I take sole responsibility for the content. Comments are welcome to be sent to All coherent comments with reasonable grammar will be added to the pieces here.