Index of /files/Non Electronic Stuff/Opinion/Religion/Files/Doubt and Questioning/

Descartes’ proof for the existence of God.xps    01-Nov-2022 12:48    109K
Did Jesus really exist.pdf                         01-Nov-2022 12:48     24K
Fundamentalism, racism, fear and propaganda-An ..> 01-Nov-2022 12:48      1M
Heaven may an idea whose time has come.pdf         01-Nov-2022 12:48      2M
How I became an Agnostic.xps                       01-Nov-2022 12:48     80K
Humanist Oath.pdf                                  01-Nov-2022 12:48     44K
Proselytizer Questionaire.PDF                      01-Nov-2022 12:48     66K
Purpose.xps                                        01-Nov-2022 12:48     89K
The Divine Right Theory.xps                        01-Nov-2022 12:48    118K
The Heirophant's Proselytizer Questionnaire.xps    01-Nov-2022 12:48    140K
What Leviticus Is Trying to Tell Us.xps            01-Nov-2022 12:48     73K
Why Young People are Deserting Religion.pdf        01-Nov-2022 12:48     32K