We cannot build a team by discarding team mates. We build NOTHING by losing or excluding people. We build when we include everyone. We build when we commit to our team members. We build when we invest in our team members and our team success. We build when we pay decent wages to EVERYONE so that a rising tide lifts all boats, not just the C-level executive. Never forget: that it is each and every single one the line workers who build the company: not the overpaid board member who is a parasite on a few different company boards and barely paying part time attention to each. Even the mundane workers contribute. An engineer or programmer whose billable time funds the company would be FAR less productive if we had to clean our offices, take out our waste, do shipping, receiving, accounts payable and receivable. Our success is based on the ENTIRE TEAM, and not ourselves alone. When companies throw team members away: they shoot the company in the feet. "Poor leaders sacrifice people for profits. Great leaders sacrifice profits for people" -Simon Sinek. Why? Because people generate profits. Profits do not create people.