Index of /files/Non Electronic Stuff/Health & Medical/Insurance/USA/

4 hidden costs of health care.pdf                  03-Sep-2009 03:05    141K
A gap in GOP candidates' healthcare proposals -..> 27-Oct-2010 01:55    300K
AMA plan won't cure coverage gap 2007.xps          27-Oct-2010 02:05    116K
Atlanta hospital struggles to heal itself 2007.xps 27-Oct-2010 02:20    291K
Blue Cross cuts causing pain.xps                   27-Oct-2010 02:23    356K
Canada's healthcare saved her - Ours won't cove..> 27-Oct-2010 02:31    386K
Government can't ban drug advertising, but it c..> 27-Oct-2010 04:08    308K
Health Care Is Not A Right 1998.xps                27-Oct-2010 02:46    162K
Huntington, W. Virginia shrugs at poorest healt..> 27-Oct-2010 04:04    306K
Innovate to cut health costs 2008.xps              27-Oct-2010 04:38    360K
Mandatory insurance isn't reform 2007.xps          27-Oct-2010 04:27    185K
Medical Care - Commercial Commodity or Social G..> 27-Oct-2010 04:42    433K
Medicare and Industry - Jan 2003.xps               28-Oct-2010 04:10    286K
No insurance is a roll of the dice.xps             27-Oct-2010 04:43    195K
Nurse-Patient Ratios in California.xps             30-Oct-2010 03:55    164K
The Future of US Healthcare as seen in 1996.pdf    08-Feb-2019 22:45      4M
The Health Care Reconciliation Bill of 2010 - C..> 22-Mar-2010 01:56    527K
US Prescription Drug Policy 2004.xps               28-Oct-2010 03:58     78K
Wal-Mart $4 Generic Drug List.pdf                  27-Nov-2006 15:54     33K
WellPoint Profit Up, Coverage Is Down 2006.xps     27-Oct-2010 04:06    290K
What US health reform means for you 2009.xps       27-Oct-2010 02:53    352K
What do we need health insurers for anyway.xps     26-Apr-2010 03:26    159K
What's so great about private health insurance.xps 16-Mar-2011 02:43    389K
Why For Profit Companies should not run hospita..> 28-Oct-2010 03:27     57K
Why are Drugs cheaper in Canada.xps                28-Oct-2010 03:23     98K
Why is health care so expensive in the first pl..> 06-Jul-2017 04:05    572K