FAIR USE A lot of the material on this web site is material that is sopyright. The creator of this web site recognizes these coptright but they feel the material here does not infringe on the owner's rights for several reasons. A full description of Fair User can be found at this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use#:~:text=Fair%20use%20is%20one%20of,might%20otherwise%20be%20considered%20infringement. The site creater bases this use om: 1. The site creator makes no money of any knid from this site. This includes from advertising or any other source. No ads, no click bait links, nothing that brings a financial return The web site host also makes no teturn from it. No information about users is collected. The site creator keeps this as a very primitive site to assure users that it is truely free. 2. This site is presented for educational and research purposes only. Nothing more. WHile some of the older magazine articles may still have ads in them, it is only because the original publication had them and the web site admin feels they may be of historical interest. Much of the material is extracted from periodical publications and sorted by topic to make research easier. By sorting by topic tnis allows a serendipity factor that may nor be avaolable from a search engine's results. The result from a search ngine is like trying to take a drink from a fire hose. 3. No attempt is made to take just revenue from the copyright owner. No magazines less than 5 years old are used as source material. All material can be be found on the internet but none is from anything behind a paywall. There are some textbooks in some sections. These are ones that can be found on sites like archive.org but collected for convenience. Finding ones that are useful is difficult on that and other sited. 4. No material here is commercial material that was was subject to "jail break". It is all stuff that is freely available to the public online though some may have required a free registration. However anything that was from a site thar required a free registration, is printed to PDF will all the original publisher's links and other references to their original source are intact. 4. The site admin has posted since the start abour 2004 that if anyone ojbects to material they own from being posted here, there is no need to threaten legal action, Just an email and such material will shortly be removed. There has only been one such request in all this time and was complied with as promptly as possible. This site is the work of a retired electronice engineer hoping to share information with the world, anyone, anywhere for free. Electronics has been good for me and it has allowed me to have a comfortable retirement. I have done some pretty incredible stuff in my time, with most of it in the audio world. 2024-11-11 Chuckles chuckles951@yahoo.com