From: Dan Fraser
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 2:02 PM
To: 'Brian Straup'; Dan Fraser
Cc: Larry Hand; Skip Taylor; Kurt Fry; Harro Heinz; Ralph Heinz
Subject: RE: XA final code release

The problem with reducing the supply voltage to 38V is that the off the shelf power supply is only available in 24 and 48V. We were hoping to not need a special version power supply as this would require agency approval from the ground up, delaying shipping of product by a substantial time and greatly increasing our cost of agency approvals. I believed that we were on the same page on the need to use off the shelf power supplies and we went with the one recommended by D2Audio. Unless you know something we don't know about the availability of a 38V off the shelf power supply. 

As well, this misses the point about limiting. While we use the limiters to avoid over powering the drivers, their main function is to avoid clipping no matter how hard these are driven. No matter what the user does, the system is supposed to sound good until they start to do things that are absolutely stupid. It will merely just not get any louder after a point. I thought I had made this clear in my messages to your company. That we needed the system so that while there was a single variable gain point for the signal limiting, prior to the FIR filters, it needed to sense all the outputs and be controlled by whichever output was the highest at a given time so that the spectral balance between channels may be maintained and none of the channels could be put into clipping. To sense before the FIR filters will result in some channels being able to be clipped because some of the filters do have voltage gain. Limiter sensing has to always be done either at the output of a power amp or at the input of a power amplifier that is of fixed and known gain, with no variables in gain after that point.

I sent this to you right after the AES show asking if it was possible to do this but I received no reply. I am afraid I have been distracted with other issues and did not follow up as diligently as I perhaps should have. A premature code freeze does none of us any good if all of our issues have not been addressed. This was not discussed while I was in Austin because at hat time I had just seen the code how the system operated and I had not yet had the time to become familiar with it. Our few minutes of listening in the lab there was he first time I had actually heard the speaker with FIR filters loaded. Then, the one we took to AES was only operating for a few minutes before it was packed and shipped to San Francisco. It was only there I was actually able to try it and to see how it worked. Now, considering that one of our key speaker engineering people left us, we have not yet been able to complete tests of the speaker we have to ensure the lobes we do have work as advertised and until we do this, and the limiter issues are addressed, we cannot consider the code to be frozen.

As soon as we have confirmed the steering does work as required we will let you know.

Please advise about the power supply and limiter issues.



Dan Fraser

Renkus-Heinz Inc.