Index of /files/Analog/Op-Amps/Op-Amp Applications/
Compilations/ 13-Jul-2024 03:36 -
5_1 Absolute value circuit IHS Engineering360.mht 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
A Cookbook Approach to Single Supply DC-Coupled..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 78K
A Tracking Differentiator with Non Capacitive I..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 81K
AC Coupled Inverting Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 690K
AC Coupled Non Inverting Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 664K
Absolute Value Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 261K
Absolute Value Circuit Analog Dialogue Analog D..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 350K
Absolute_Value_Mancini.JPG 04-Apr-2023 19:42 256K
Accurate Op-Amp Bridge.pdf 16-Oct-2023 01:58 8M
Achieving Large RC Product in Integrators.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 483K
Adjustable Slew Rate Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 111K
Analog Computing Circuits.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 78K
Analog Divider and Multiplier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 50K
Analog Divider.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 265K
Analog Engineer’s Amplifier Cookbook.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 11M
Analog back to the future Part 1.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 1M
Analogue Multipliers Circards.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 798K
Analogue divider and multiplier.pdf 20-Oct-2022 03:24 30K
Analogue function generator.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 131K
Applications Guide for OpAmps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 4M
Applications of the CA3080-CA3080A Operational ..> 06-Jan-2025 03:52 834K
Applying High Performance FET Op Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 475K
Applying the Analog Differentiator.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 1M
Avoiding Instability Due to Capacitive Loading.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 436K
Avoiding Noise and Power Problems with Unused O..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 323K
Avoiding OpAmp Instability in Single Supply App..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 115K
Bipolar Current Mirror.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 44K
Boost the Output Current Drive Capability of a ..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 774K
Bootstrapped AC Coupling.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 124K
Bridge Circuits (2).pdf 26-Jul-2024 22:46 52K
Bridge Circuits.pdf 18-Dec-2023 21:21 76K
Broad-Band-Peak-detector-using-LM393.jpg 04-Apr-2023 19:42 22K
Buffer Assortment.pdf 31-Jul-2024 02:46 31K
Burr Brown Ac Coupling Instrumentation And Diff..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 39K
Calculating Sum and Difference Networks.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 109K
Capacitance Multiplier.pdf 29-Jul-2024 05:38 909K
Changeover Switching With an SPST Switch.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 46K
Choosing Op Amps For Specific Applications.pdf 02-Nov-2022 23:42 138K
Choosing Op-Amps to drive SAR ADCs.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 1M
Chopper Amplifier with high PPM stability.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 1M
Chopper vs Bipolar Op Amp Comparison.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 321K
Chopper-Stabilized Op Amp Applications.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 3M
Chosing Values for Analog Adder-Subtractor Circ..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 87K
Circuit to deliver square and square root of 2 ..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 114K
Clamp diodes A one-way street - Analog Wire - B..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
Common Mode Voltage Cancelling Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 193K
Composite Amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 323K
Computing Drift of Instrumentation Amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 91K
Controllable Inverting-NonInverting Circuit.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 308K
Controlling Opamp gain with one potentiometer.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 72K
Convert 1V to 5V Signal to to 4- to 20-mA outpu..> 30-Sep-2023 00:10 116K
Cool new tools to help boost your analog expert..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
Creating a Low-Leakage Rectifier Using a Self-P..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 1M
Current Amps and Feedback.mht 04-Apr-2023 19:42 3M
Current Inverter with Wide Dynamic Range.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 164K
Current Mirror Analysis.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 65K
Current Source Enables Op Amp's Output to go to..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 70K
Current Sources.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
Current to Voltage or Transimpedance.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 1M
Dc Level Clamp.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 48K
Decompensating Amplifiers to Improve Performanc..> 26-Sep-2023 03:35 640K
Demystifying Auto Zero Amplifiers Parts 1 & 2.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 679K
Design Techniques for FET Op-Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
Design Trade-Offs for Single-Supply Op Amps.mht 04-Apr-2023 19:42 522K
Design for High Common Mode Noise Rejection.pdf 02-Apr-2018 19:49 158K
Designing Linear Circuits for 5V Operation.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
Designing instrumentation circuitry with RMS-DC..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
Differential Amplifiers.pdf 31-Dec-2023 22:55 731K
Differential pairs four things you need to know..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
Differential pairs how an equalizer solves inse..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
Differential pairs what you really need to know..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
Differential to single ended What happens when ..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
Differentiators.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 625K
Digital Gain Set Applications.pdf 26-Dec-2023 22:00 183K
Digital potentiometer autonulls op amp.pdf 03-Dec-2023 23:39 77K
Digitally Programmable Instrumentation Amplifie..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 109K
Drift Compensation in OpAmp DC Circuits.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 722K
Driving Capacitive Loads with OpAmps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 141K
Dual Feedback Amplifier Zeros Comparitor Hyster..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 88K
Dual Op Amp Instrumentation Amp.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 103K
Dual Op-Amp Instrumentation Amplifier.pdf 09-Nov-2022 19:39 244K
Dual Polarity Hysteresis with a Single Op Amp.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 1M
EMI-RFI Considerations for Op-Amps.pdf 25-Dec-2023 21:40 349K
EPOT Applications Gain Adjustment in Op-Amp Cir..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 370K
ESD Protection for high impedance buffer amplif..> 27-Dec-2023 00:00 224K
Engineer's Stethoscope.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 308K
Equivalent Circuits for Op Amp Drift & Noise.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 355K
FET Op-Amp Applications.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 346K
FET OpAmp Applications.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 1M
Fast-Stable Unity Gain Folowers.pdf 14-Jul-2024 02:50 76K
Feed it Forward.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 201K
Feedback Amplifiers Commentary.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 4M
Feedforward Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 20K
Find resistor values for arbitrary programmable..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 286K
Flexible Gain Programmable Op-Amp.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 466K
Four Quadrant Analog Multiplication.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 383K
Full Wave Rectifier with Averaging Filter.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 62K
Full Wave Rectifier.jpg 04-Apr-2023 19:42 39K
Fully Differential Op Amps Made Easy.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 138K
Gain Trimming In Instrumentation Amplifiers.pdf 11-Oct-2022 02:12 265K
Get More Power Out of Dual or Quad Op-Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 71K
Get more power fron dual or quad op-amps.pdf 14-Jul-2024 02:50 52K
Getting Started with Op-Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 365K
Ground Referenced Voltage to Current Converter.pdf 19-Oct-2022 00:26 46K
Handbook Of Op-Amp Apps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 2M
Handbook of OpAmp Applications.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 3M
High Input Impedance Integrator.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 24K
High Performance Analog Front Ends.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 1M
High Performance Audio Op-Amp Quick Reference.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 17K
High Quality Instrumentation Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:42 54K
High Speed Amplifier Techniques from Linear Tec..> 04-Apr-2023 19:42 5M
High Speed Amplifier Techniques.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 19M
High Speed FET OpAmp Applications.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 600K
High Speed Op-Amps Revisited.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 379K
High Voltage Op Amp Applicatrions LM143.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
High Voltage Op Amp.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 640K
High-Performance Audio Applications of the LM83..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 323K
How to Increase Slew Rate in Op Amps.pdf 23-Apr-2024 21:51 866K
How to optimize differential amplifier noise - ..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
IC Op-Amp Drift.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 309K
IC Operational Transconductance Amplifier With ..> 31-Dec-2024 22:14 518K
Ideal Op Amp Equations.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 53K
Ideal Rectifier with Equal Value Resistors.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 921K
Improved Clamping Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 146K
Improving Voltage Controlled Amplifier Performa..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 73K
Increased Output voltage Swing on Op-Amps.pdf 22-Dec-2023 01:41 34K
Increasing op amps’ output-voltage range.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 201K
Increasing opamp output voltage swing.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 138K
Instrument Amplification.pdf 01-Mar-2024 04:44 65K
Instrumentation Amplifier (2).pdf 02-Jan-2025 04:45 21K
Instrumentation Amplifier.pdf 27-May-2024 05:13 83K
Instrumentation amplifier input circuit strateg..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 102K
Instrumentation amplifier with gain of two uses..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 193K
Integrate and Hold Circuit for Electrochemical ..> 16-Jan-2025 01:06 3M
Integrators (2).pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 276K
Integrators.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 584K
Interfacing LVDS.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 442K
Inverting Amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 639K
LH0101 Low Distortion Widen Band Power Op-Amp.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 407K
LM324 Interface Circuits.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 47K
LT1028 - Ultra Low Noise Precision High Speed O..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 1M
Level Shifter to Build a High Voltage Op-Amp.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 116K
Level Shifter.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 481K
Lin-Log Converter.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 992K
Lock In Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 91K
Log Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 302K
Log Converters.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 597K
Logarithmic Amplifiers Explained.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 182K
Logarithmic Amplifiers.pdf 28-Dec-2023 01:30 43K
Long Term Drift Measurements on Op-Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 132K
Low Cost Logarithmic Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 55K
Low Cost Voltage Controlled Amplifier.pdf 25-Sep-2023 00:36 286K
Low Drift Amplifiers.pdf 17-Jun-2024 01:30 145K
Low Drift Integrator.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 16K
Low Noise Low Drift FET Input Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 131K
Low Noise Precision Op-Amp.pdf 15-Jul-2024 22:31 75K
Low Vevel Voltage to Current Converter.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 654K
Low Voltage Micropower Op-Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 140K
Manipulate Current Signals With OpAmps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 6M
Mathematical Circuits.pdf 06-Jan-2025 04:02 84K
Maximizing Signal Path Performance with ADCs.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 4M
Measuring Kilovolts with Op Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 140K
Measuring an Op-Amp's Real Time Offset Voltage.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 1M
Micro Power Sensor Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 124K
Micropower Low Voltage Amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 194K
Misc Op Amp Applications Part 4.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 788K
Monolithic IC for 100 MHz RMS-DC Conversion.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Monolithic Operational Amplifiers - A Tutorial ..> 15-Jul-2024 22:33 881K
Monolithic Sample & Hold.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 12K
Multiplying RC Time Constants With Op-Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 80K
National Semiconductor Application Guide For Op..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 197K
New Op Amp Ideas.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 296K
Noise Calculations in Op Amp Circuits.pdf 28-Dec-2023 01:20 347K
Noise and Operational Amplifier Circuits.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Non Ideal Op Amp Equations.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 45K
Non Linear Circuits - RMS-Log Power Laws Circar..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 775K
Non-Inverting Amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 626K
Non-inverting comparator with hysteresis circui..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 735K
OP-Amps - How to connect unused Op-Amps.pdf 11-Nov-2024 01:12 437K
Obtaining Average Absolute Value.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 37K
Obtaining more power from Dual or Quad Op-Amps.pdf 16-Oct-2023 01:33 278K
One Decade Logarithmic Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 253K
One Diode Full Wave Rectifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 12K
One OpAmp Dual Limit Comparitor.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 145K
One Zener Precise Limiter.pdf 06-Jan-2025 04:02 25K
Op Amp Applications Handbook - Walt Jung.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 16M
Op Amp Booster Designs.pdf 31-Dec-2023 22:58 499K
Op Amp Circuit Collection.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 988K
Op Amp Circuits with a Positive Reference Volta..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 1M
Op Amp Circuits.mht 04-Apr-2023 19:43 221K
Op Amp Design Topics.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 17M
Op Amp Gain Stability Part 2 DCgains.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 170K
Op Amp History.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 19K
Op Amp Information.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 175K
Op Amp Injection for Bode Analysis.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 182K
Op Amp Noise (2).pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 785K
Op Amp Noise Analysis.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 198K
Op Amp Noise.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 175K
Op Amp Power Output Stage.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 67K
Op Amp Slew Rate and Rise Time Explained.pdf 27-Apr-2024 04:07 1M
Op Amp, The.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 4M
Op Amps - Feedback and Stability Theory.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 89K
Op Amps - Misc.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 3M
Op Amps - Single Supply Circuit Collection.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 174K
Op Amps Driving Capacitive Loads.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 184K
Op Amps For Everyone.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Op Amps Part 1 ETT 1988-08.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 3M
Op 04-Apr-2023 19:43 27K
Op amp Packages.mht 04-Apr-2023 19:43 175K
Op amp Voltage Amplifiers.mht 04-Apr-2023 19:43 121K
Op amp supply limits are they critical - Precis..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Op amps for everyone design reference from TI.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Op amps in small-signal audio design - Part 1 O..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 1M
Op amps in small-signal audio design - Part 2 D..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Op amps in small-signal audio design - Part 3 S..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 1M
Op amps with capacitive loads.mht 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Op-Amp Applications.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 9M
Op-Amp Audio Applications.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 198K
Op-Amp Booster Circuits.pdf 19-Nov-2023 23:23 3M
Op-Amp Calculator Program.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 1M
Op-Amp Can Source Or Sink Current.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 710K
Op-Amp Circuit Collection.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 963K
Op-Amp Circuit Rear End for critical DC circuit..> 15-Jan-2024 00:04 197K
Op-Amp Flip Flops.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 135K
Op-Amp Noise Issues.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 113K
Op-Amp Oscillator.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 7730
Op-Amp Toggle.pdf 16-Jan-2025 03:13 4M
Op-Amp with selectable Polarity and Offset Cont..> 16-Oct-2023 02:01 70K
Op-Amps as Electrometers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 258K
Op-Amps in Instrrumentation.pdf 15-Jan-2024 00:12 1M
Op-Amps in Pre-Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 154K
Op-amps based full-wave rectifier___ - STMicroe..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Op275 Opamp.PDF 04-Apr-2023 19:43 108K
OpAmp Output Boosters.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 1M
Opamp with 70V per µS Slew Rate.pdf 16-May-2024 02:11 112K
Opamp with increased output current.pdf 28-Dec-2023 00:45 40K
Operating Op Amps etc from ±24V Supplies.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 29K
Operating an op amp when your voltage is too lo..> 11-Nov-2024 04:28 805K
Operational Amplifier Circuits.pdf 10-Nov-2022 05:49 12M
Operational Amplifier, The Part 2 EA 1971-11.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 3M
Operational Amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Operational Integrators.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 852K
Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (2).pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Operational Transconductance Amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Output Impedance Stuff Part 1.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 104K
Overlooking the obvious - the input impedance o..> 11-Nov-2024 04:48 904K
PRECISION_ABSOLUTE_VALUE - Basic_Circuit - Circ..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 144K
Paralleling Op Amps—is it possible.pdf 11-Nov-2024 01:27 704K
Parametric Operational Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 500K
Passive Components for Op-Amps.pdf 24-Dec-2023 00:55 267K
Polarity Indicator.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 244K
Power Gain Stages for Monolithic Amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Power Supply Management for Op Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 200K
Precision AC-DC Converters.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 990K
Precision Absolute Value Circuit.mht 04-Apr-2023 19:43 1M
Precision Amplifier Applications.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 405K
Precision Half-Wave Ac-Dc Converter.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 11K
Precision Op Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 579K
Precision Op-Amp Applications.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 1M
Precision Peak Reading Circuit.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 1M
Precision 04-Apr-2023 19:43 37K
Precision Rectifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 857K
Precision Unity-Gain Half-Wave Rectifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 12K
Precision Voltage Comparitor that operates from..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 955K
Precision absolute-value circuit - Circuit Diag..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 60K
Precision full wave Rectifier Circuit Diagram.jpg 04-Apr-2023 19:43 37K
Precision full wave Rectifier Circuit Diagram.png 04-Apr-2023 19:43 6517
Precision full wave rectifier circuit - HQEW_ne..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 640K
Precision full-wave signal rectifier needs no d..> 03-Jul-2023 00:24 145K
Predicting Op-Amp Slew Rate Limited Response.pdf 27-May-2024 05:11 104K
Preventing output polarity inversion in high-sp..> 04-Apr-2023 19:43 2M
Program an Op Amp with a Solid State Resistor.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 84K
Programmable Amplifiers Using Digital Pots.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 112K
Programmable inverting - noninverting opamp.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 65K
Protect Op Amps from Overloads.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 361K
Protection for Bi-FET Amplifiers and Switches.pdf 04-Jan-2024 04:32 199K
RMS-Root-Power Circuits Circard Series 30.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 11M
Rail to Rail Opamp Architecture.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 1M
Rectifier tracks both positive and negative pea..> 11-Nov-2023 00:12 264K
Reduce Distortion with CSP Package opaamps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 338K
Reducing Analog Multiplier Linearity Errors.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 132K
Reducing Auto Zero Amplifier Noise.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 58K
Remote Sensing Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 117K
Remotely Gain Switched Op Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 66K
Resistive Feedback Circuits.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 148K
Resistor Free Instrumentation Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:43 142K
Resistors in the feedback of a buffer Ask why!.mht 04-Apr-2023 19:44 2M
Rolling Stone Issue 1000 Cover Guide.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 1013K
Sample & Hold Circuits.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 17K
Sample & Hold with no resistors.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 1M
Sample and 1 Minute Hold.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 1M
Sample and Hold Circuits.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 1M
Scale Factors of R-2R Ladder Networks.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 176K
Selecting Op Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 4M
Selecting R&C for Low Drift Integrators.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 546K
Selecting Video Opamps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 656K
Settling Time of Operational Amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 5M
Settling Time.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 153K
Simple Chopper.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 29K
Simple Temperature Regulator.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 55K
Single Amplifier Current Sources.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 169K
Single Op Amp Grounded Load Current Sources.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 426K
Single Supply Op Amp Circuit Design.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 99K
Single ended input to differential output circu..> 04-Apr-2023 19:44 596K
Single-Supply Op-Amp Circuit Design.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 2M
Single-ended-to-differential converter With sin..> 15-Jan-2025 23:21 70K
Single-supply op amp design.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 150K
Single-supply op amp forms noninverting level s..> 04-Apr-2023 19:44 328K
Single-supply strain gauge bridge amplifier cir..> 04-Apr-2023 19:44 698K
Slew Limiter.jpg 04-Apr-2023 19:44 47K
Some Tips On Stabilizing Op-Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 67K
Spare Op Amp Generates Its Own Regulated Negati..> 04-Apr-2023 19:44 334K
Specifying Op Amps and Comparitors.pdf 03-Jun-2024 04:13 103K
Specifying and Measuring Low Noise FET Op-Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 268K
Standard Op-Amp Circuits.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 212K
Subduing high-speed op-amp problems.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 6M
Summing Circuit.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 719K
Super Precise Precision Rectifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 81K
Supercharging the 709 Op Amp.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 121K
Suspended Animation.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 1M
Temperature Stabilized Log Converter.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 331K
Test Set for OpAmp Characterization.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 1M
The 1537 VCA.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 416K
The Best of Baker's Best – Amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 3M
The Full-Wave Rectifier and Averaging Filter - ..> 04-Apr-2023 19:44 76K
The Gyrator.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 203K
The best sounding audio integrated opamps - diy..> 16-Mar-2015 18:26 593K
The full-wave rectification circuit with the ab..> 04-Apr-2023 19:44 163K
Theory and Applications of Logarithmic Amplifi..> 25-Dec-2023 22:28 220K
Tips On Stabilizing Op Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 122K
Tl072 Opamp.PDF 04-Apr-2023 19:44 134K
Top questions on op amp power dissipation – P..> 04-Apr-2023 19:44 2M
Trans-Impedance Amplifiers Noise Issues.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 81K
Transimpedance Amplifier Stability.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 80K
Transimpedance Amplifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 630K
Trimming Offsets and Gains.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 68K
True RMS Converter.mht 04-Apr-2023 19:44 361K
Twin Dual Opamps to Quad Adapter.pdf 20-Oct-2024 04:27 287K
Two Amplifier Integrator.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 38K
Understanding Input Signal Swing in Op Amps.pdf 23-Apr-2024 21:57 1M
Understanding Op Amp Parameters.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 98K
Unique IC Buffer Enhances Op Amp Designs - Tame..> 04-Apr-2023 19:44 3M
Universal Op-Amp Balancing Techniques.pdf 10-Mar-2024 22:49 74K
Use The Lm358 Dual, Single Supply Op Amp.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 101K
Using 2 Single Op-Amps in a Dual Op-Amp Socket.jpg 14-Jun-2024 23:42 213K
Using BiFET and BiMOS Op Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 6M
Using FET Op-Amps to implement complex function..> 21-Nov-2023 02:34 3M
Using Free Amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 90K
Using LTC OpAmp Macromodels.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 5M
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Using Transconductance Op-Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 1M
Using instrumentation amplifiers.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 190K
Using supply bootstrapping to reduce distortion..> 04-Apr-2023 19:44 198K
Using the CA3080 Transconductance Amplifier IC.pdf 25-Aug-2023 03:30 7M
Varactor Bridge Op Amps.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 3M
Variable Gain Precision Rectifier.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 105K
Vector Differencing.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 131K
Very High Input Impedance Op-Amp Circuit.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 61K
Voltage Feedback Op Amp Compensation.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 117K
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Voltage and Current Feedback Op Amp Comparison.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 45K
Voltage sensing circuit with an isolated amplif..> 06-Apr-2023 21:35 588K
Voltage sensing circuit with an isolated amplif..> 06-Apr-2023 21:34 653K
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Why are there so many OpAmp Types.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 75K
Why doesn’t my INA CMRR change with gain - Pr..> 04-Apr-2023 19:44 2M
Why is Settling Time Important.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 315K
Working With Op-Amps Part 2.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 324K
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Working with Op-Amps Part 3.pdf 04-Apr-2023 19:44 291K
Working with Op-Amps Part 4 ME 1982-12.pdf 12-Nov-2022 01:49 168K